Earth matters

Climate change is something very serious that affects the earth and it is thanks to humans that we pollute the earth, since we modify the climate, we pollute our waste, we modify the natural law of the earth, we reproduce too quickly, that is why The least we can do for our planet is to change our habits, either to save money or stop doing something, for example, stop using batteries that cannot be recharged, do not leave televisions connected at night, do not leave chargers connected. of cell phones, stop throwing garbage in the street, do not throw garbage in the sea, use the car little, recycle leaves, do not use much electricity, stop using oil gas, stop eating in excess, try not to eat food scrap, stop hunting exotic animals, among other things.

These changes have many advantages that help preserve our beloved planet, such as not polluting animals, not changing the laws of nature so much, minimizing the spread of carbon dioxide, minimizing the felling of trees, minimizing the manufacture of plastics , less use of oil, less genetic manipulation of natural foods, with this you increase the life of the planet you leave a good future for your next generations.
